On Tue, Dec 02, 2003 at 07:02:40PM -0600, Ken Fuchs wrote:
> LB wrote:
> >give me plain text on my tclug list.
> I would prefer plain text as well.  Is there a list policy mandating
> plain text or other types of e-mail?

Probably not.  Creating a list policy has come up in the past.  Those
discussions usually devolve into flamewars.  Since the vast majority of
mail to the list is plain text, I think it's easy to conclude that the
preferred format is plain text.

> Lately, the tclug-list has been getting too many OT posts in my
> opinion.

If you think the signal to noise ratio is getting high you're free to
post something worthwhile.  Just for replying to this thread, which I
shouldn't have, I'll post something interesting in a few minutes.

BTW, filtering the tclug list to a separate mailbox makes it easier to
ignore off-topic threads.


TCLUG Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota
http://www.mn-linux.org tclug-list at mn-linux.org