I've written a simple bird-call quiz in Perl/Tk with the goal of making
it work under both Linux and Windows with ActivePerl.  It's all working
except for sound.  How can I make it load the Win32::Sound module only
if it's running in Windows?

My first try was the following:

if ("$OSVERSION" eq "linux") {
        print "Using Linux sound modules.\n";
} else {
        print "Using Windows sound modules.\n";
        use Win32::Sound;

But the result was the compiler caught the "use" statement and always
tried to load the Win32::Sound module no matter what the surrounding
logic.  I've studied the Camel book but haven't found the equivalent of
an "IFDEF" command.  Is there one, or is there a better way to do it?   

Carl Patten <myok at ogzr.org>

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