On Wednesday 04 June 2003 9:16 pm, tanner at real-time.com wrote:
> Comments?

A few...

Did you look at his timeline? He conviently leaves out the period when the 
combined SCO/Caldera was still run by Ransom Love and the original Caldera 
crew. There was a lot of work at that point trying to combine the best of 
UnixWare and Caldera Linux. This may be why SCO is being very "careful" about 
who it lets see the alleged violations. There are those that believe there 
may be pieces of GPL code in UnixWare that they need to be careful not to let 
show through.

Which brings up a question that's been on my mind for the last week or so, 
where is Ransom Love and what does he have to say about all this? 
Particularly which side of the case will he testify for?

I agree with others that Dvorak is a hot head. He goes off on these kinds of 
things all the time. (Or at least he did when I subscribed to PC Mag. for all 
those years.) He's wrong at least as often as he's right. It's obvious he 
hasn't done as much research as he would have you believe if he doesn't 
recognize the name "Canopy Group" as a major player in the ownership of 
Caldera/SCO. Its only been in every background article on the story published 
in the last few weeks. 

The article here http://news.com.com/2100-1016-1013229.html adds to the 
confusion over ownership of the IP. 

While I don't expect much to happen with this case I don't think its because 
"my head is in the sand". The only details I've seen are not very convincing 
because some the claims are out right false or the wording is sloppy. If you 
haven't viewed the response to the suit at opensource.org you should read it. 

I admit my bias in this I don't think Mr. Dvorak does...

Jack Ungerleider
jack at jacku.com

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