Do you happen to know the format?  Perl can unpack() a binary file rather
easily, but you'd need to know the structure of the file first.

BSD comes with a utility called hexdump that might help too - not sure if
this is stock with whatever Linux distro you're using, but I'm sure
there's plenty of similar utils on freshmeat.

Since you probably have a good idea what the data should look like, you
might be able to make due with hexdump.  Find a record for one of the
computer-geeks so you have a good idea of what their score should have
been, and it'll be easier to pick out of the noise.  Once you know about
where the score is in relation to the name, you should be able to go
through it record by record.

On Fri, 6 Jun 2003, Tim Wilson wrote:

> On Friday 06 June 2003 07:39, Adam Maloney wrote:
> > strings <filename>?
> That pulls out the student names, id numbers and such, but I don't see any of 
> the scores in there.
> -Tim
> -- 
> Tim Wilson
> Twin Cities, Minnesota, USA
> Science teacher, Linux fan, Zope developer, Grad. student, Daddy
> mailto:wilson at | | public key: 0x8C0F8813
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