On Tue, 10 Jun 2003, James Spinti wrote:
> Just saw this one:
> http://www.wininformant.com/Articles/Index.cfm?ArticleID=39258
> Any informed comments?

Informed, no, comments, yes. :)

"How did the wunderkind Linux find itself in such a compromising,
Microsoft-like position? And how will the community bounce back from these
claims of illegitimacy when the very process under which Linux is created
fosters and even promotes theft?"

What Microsoft-like position does he speak of? Has M$ been accused of code

I would also think that the Linux development model would *discourage*
theft, as any company can compare the Linux code to the code of their
projects.. if there is a problem, a quick post to LKML would probably have
that section of the kernel rewritten in a couple days. With closed-source
applications, you can steal whatever code you want, and it'd be a whole
lot harder to prove.


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