On Tue, Jun 17, 2003 at 01:44:43PM -0500, Bob Tanner wrote:
> Anyone heard of a way to encrypt every sent message at the MTA level with a 
> specific key?
> I don't mean smtp with tls, I mean literally pgp encrypting and signing each 
> message.

Write a small perl daemon to proxy the connection to the smtp server 
(preferably on localhost+some other port).

Accept the entire message, encrypt, forward to smtp server, and pass the
return code back to the connecting client (in case of an undeliverable

Crypt::GPG is available via CPAN.

> -- 
> Bob Tanner <tanner at mn-linux.org>          | Phone : (952)943-8700
> http://www.mn-linux.org, Minnesota, Linux | Fax   : (952)943-8500
> Key fingerprint = AB15 0BDF BCDE 4369 5B42  1973 7CF1 A709 2CC1 B288

Matthew S. Hallacy                            FUBAR, LART, BOFH Certified
http://www.poptix.net                           GPG public key 0x01938203

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