Nate Carlson wrote:

>On Tue, 17 Jun 2003, Bob Tanner wrote:
>>Anyone heard of a way to encrypt every sent message at the MTA level
>>with a specific key?
>>I don't mean smtp with tls, I mean literally pgp encrypting and
>>signing each message.
>Could probably do it with Mimedefang + Sendmail - it'll let you do just
>about whatever you want to the body of the message.
>Things that may make this difficult:
>- Attachments
>- Who do you encrypt to? Assuming you want to be able to send to multiple
>people, makes things kind of difficult..
You just need to process the addresses and break them into those where 
you have a key and those where you don't. PGP (and I assume S/MIME) is 
designed to handle encrypting to multiple recipients. Those that don't 
have a key can just go out as signed but not encrypted, or if security 
is a real issue, you just spike the messages going to addresses without 
public keys available.


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