If I'm not mistaken, the idea of giving out the cd's is to attract 
people to linux.  I'm not sure that having a weeding agent helps our 
cause.  Sure, a redhat system and a slack system and a gentoo system are 
all fundamentally similar -- they're all linux.  But installing gentoo 
took me days and installing redhat took me 45 minutes.  If the people 
we're giving these cd's to are well-versed and interested in spending 
the time on a debian or gentoo install, then fine, but then I don't 
think those kind of people would immediately associate linux with 
redhat.  Keep in mind, there's a difference between associating linux 
with redhat and associating easy-and-transparent-linux with redhat.


>I do see a trend where "linux" to many new/curious folks means REDHAT, and
>in the past have found that 'linux support' meant that there was an RPM
>available, nothing more. That just ain't right. There should be fair and
>equal "billing" for all. If someone passes because all you have left are
>Debian, Slack, Gentoo or whatever then I'd consider that a good "weeding
>agent" and let them pass.
>>I think one of the great things about linux and
>>open source is that you're not locked into one vendor's distro.  I think
>>it's important to get that message out so people don't get the idea that
>>RedHat = Linux.  There are always alternatives...
>>Personally, I think Debian might be too much for a new user doing an
>>initial install without assistance.  But for a workstation, and for
>>someone who doesn't want to compile everything, it rocks.  The package
>>management is far superior to rpm, IMHO.
>>Slackware's installer is menu driven and straight forward.  Accepting
>>the defaults (like redhat installs) gets you a running system in no
>>time.  It detects most common PC hardware out of the box.  It just
>>works.  Makes a great workstation and gives you the flexibility to learn
>>more when you're ready to start compiling stuff from source.
>>distro flames > /dev/null
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TCLUG Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota
http://www.mn-linux.org tclug-list at mn-linux.org