I've poked at this one off and on for a few months now.

I'm running KDE on Mandrake on a laptop.  I use the KDE wrapper around
OpenSSH to connect to my server (running Debian), where I read my
e-mail using mutt.

How do I copy text out of mutt and into some other app in KDE?  The
thing I'm mostly likely to want to do is grab a URL and paste it into
a browser.  Just highlighting the text doesn't work (though that's the
option I'm using in puTTY on Windows).  Highlight and Control-C
doesn't work, because mutt grabs that as an exit command.  Highlight
and right-click doesn't work.

Suggestions?  'Move to {window manager} and use {method}' would be an
acceptable answer - I currently have minimal experience with /
attachment to _any_ X window manager!

Scott Raun
sraun at fireopal.org

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