Seeing as no one else has mentioned it, can I put in a vote for Debian?
Sure, it's a bitch to get everything up and running, and you'll be
pulling your hair out before you've got your soundcard to actually play
an mp3, but by the end of it you'll have had a pretty decent
introduction to the thing that makes linux so much fun... 

..that is, editing config files, of course!

OK, I'm (kinda) joking, but I do think it's worth putting a debian
install on there if you have space. I've learned a whole hell of lot
from using it, and I've know got it running on a Athlon box and a couple
of old-ish powerbooks, and it works great. Apt-get and dselect are works
of genius (though now available for other distros too, of course) -- and
if you want shiny new KDE 3 / Gnome 2 desktops etc., then
debian-unstable is a fun place to fool around, and surprisingly
un-unstable too.
Unfortunately I won't be able to make the installfest, but I'm sure
Debian CDs wouldn't be too hard to find on this listserve if you were


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