Shawn wrote:

>I'm curious as to how to get the current kernel parameters?  I tried
>to do a strings against vmlinuz, but the output is pretty crappy.  I'd
>like to have this information for comparisons.  I'm not pulling a new
>kernel down, just want to modify options within this one to optimize
>it (CPU, network, SCSI, etc...) and see if I can recompile a kernel
>successfully this time.

You want the /usr/src/<linux-version>/.config file used to build your
kernel.  If this file doesn't exist, it will be copied from
/usr/src/<linux-version>/arch/<arch>/defconfig as an initial step in
building a new kernel.  The above is true of all Linux distributions.

Various distributions store the .config file used to build distribution
kernel images in different files, although /boot is often used as can be
seen in the following examples:

Debian:     /boot/config-<version>

Red Hat:    /boot/config-<version>

Slack:      /boot/config

SuSE:       /boot/vmlinuz.config


Ken Fuchs <kfuchs at>

TCLUG Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota tclug-list at