Ken Fuchs writes:

> I could proceed using MS Windows 2000 and HyperTerminal, but I would
> prefer to use GNU/Linux and minicom or another open source terminal
> program that runs on GNU/Linux.  Does minicom require special
> configuration to run on a serial port?  Is there another open source
> program more appropriate to the task?

minicom sucks! there i said it. so flame me!

use the infinately more versatile cu instead. it is usually part of the uucp 
$ cu -s 9600 -l /dev/ttyS0

word of warning: cu uses ~ as the escape char, same as ssh. so if you ssh 
into a box and use cu change the default escape char, -E` for example. 
otherwise you end up wondering why your ssh session died when you sent a 
break to the router :)

Munir Nassar

TCLUG Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota tclug-list at