On Thu, Nov 11, 2004 at 08:56:08PM -0600, pend0062 wrote:
> It is at the very least encouraging to see that everyong in the US is
> looking at the system, the politics that drive the system in all its
> imperfection. While my age group showed disturbing complacency (18-24
> year olds), I'm hoping this spirit of questioning and criticizing the
> weaknesses of said system. That having been said, it is perhaps better
> to take this conversation elsewhere. Keep up the good work people, I
> do hope these efforts lead to something good for society.

FWIW, I volunteered as an election judge for this last election
(Hennepin County).  I *highly* recommend it--it was quite an eye-opener
for me, in a good way.  It's an interesting security problem, and it was
impressive to see the combinations of physical and "algorithmic"
security used to obtain an accurate count.

Anyone with questions is welcome to ask me, but let's keep it

trammell at el-swifto.com  9EC7 BC6D E688 A184 9F58  FD4C 2C12 CC14 8ABA 36F5
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