As Nate said, easiest way is to just edit /etc/modules and add an
"e1000" line. Debian goes through this file and does a modprobe for
each line there. Works just fine for most stuff.

If it turns out that hotplug is installing the modules, you can edit
the hotplug configuration to not load specific modules. I don't recall
the details, I think it's /etc/hotplug.conf...I remember it being
mostly self explanitory though. :)

Run depmod -a after update-modules. 

Check output of lsmod to see what modules are loaded after booting.
The output of dmesg should be helpful as well.

Andrew S. Zbikowski |
 A password is like your underwear; Change it
 frequently, don't share it with others, and
     don't ask to borrow someone else's.

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