Howdy all-

I've been tasked with setting up a "bulk emailer".  The initial set of
requirements are below (I really like the last one)

* Able to handle 10K recipient list
* Web interface for admins to manage recipient lists
* Internal smtp server included
* HTML emails supported
* ODBC compliant
* Other things that I haven't thought of yet.

I spent a lot of time on google searching and checking ou sourceforge,
but most of the stuff I saw was windows based and had to be pointed to
a smtp server somewhere - didn't seem to be any stand alone systems to
do this..

I thought of mailman and majordomo types, but this is to be a one way
sending - not a "join the list" like tclug-list....  Just a system
that will send mail for a few different domains and allows admins to
get in and manage their lists, upload or paste in a html email and

I'm a bit stumped - maybe have to homeroll and start with something
like postfix, see if there's some large list managing modules or