John Meier <john.meier at>  wrote:
> I've been tasked with setting up a "bulk emailer".  The initial set
> of requirements are below (I really like the last one)
> * Able to handle 10K recipient list
> * Web interface for admins to manage recipient lists
> * Internal smtp server included
> * HTML emails supported
> * ODBC compliant
> * Other things that I haven't thought of yet.
> I spent a lot of time on google searching and checking ou
> sourceforge, but most of the stuff I saw was windows based and had
> to be pointed to a smtp server somewhere - didn't seem to be any
> stand alone systems to do this..

Because I think some of your requirements are unreasonable.  It sounds
like you're looking for some pre-packaged Operating System, not just a
"bulk emailer".  The components you want are:  email list server,
email server, web server, database server, and a web administrative
software to tie it all together.  There are no shortcuts out there
without a cost associated with it.  Either you pay for it monetarily
or in time (ala FLOSS software).

Email, web, and database servers are all easy enough to set up

You WANT a list server to do this, and let me tell you why: bounce
handling.  Bounces are a non-trivial problem for list server software.
You can use VERP handling of email addresses and return addresses with
any combination of a modern email server and modern list server.  The
list serve software choice is up to you, but all of them are generally
configurable enough that you could make it look like it isn't a list
server that's controlling things.  You can always strip headers,
footers, and "List-" headers from the email.  You can set it up so it
hides the "From: " header, even, anonimizing the posts.  Plus, you can
control who can or cannot post quite easily.

There are some list servers that allow you to manage lists via an
RDBMS (ala ODBC).  I believe Mailman is one of them.  If you needed
to, you could customize the mailman interface or write your own to
manage these things.

Posting to the list could be done easily enough through simple CGI or
even webmail clients, such as squirrelmail.  Really, why would you
want to force a user to cut-n-paste HTML, when they can simply use
their favorite email client to generate the email and send it to the

Chad Walstrom <chewie at> 
           assert(expired(knowledge)); /* core dump */