This does it in Excel so it should work in Open Office, although that 
doesn't mean that there isn't a better way to do it in OO. You'll need 
to patch up the starting rows.



Mike Miller wrote:
> On Thu, 20 Apr 2006, Raymond Norton wrote:
>> I know this is off topic, but I need to import a few hundred names into 
>> a program. I need a formula in Calc that will take the first three 
>> letters of all cells in column 4, and the first two letters of all cells 
>> in column 2, and produce the output in a third column.
> It really *must* be in Calc?  If so, I don't know the answer, but if you 
> can make a tab-delimited text file and process that, this ought to work:
> perl -pe 's/^([^\t]+[\t])(..)([^\t]+[\t]){2}(...)/$4$2/' infile > outfile
> But that assumes that there are always more than two letters in column 2 
> and more than four letters in column 4.  It would not be very hard to make 
> it more general if necessary.
> Mike
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