Bob Tanner wrote:
> Maybe third time will be the charm?
> Current web site is static and entry into making changes "high". So, I put up 
> Zope in the hope of getting more community involment. It totally flopped.
> Got a couple volunteers to help with Zope and get a framework in place, but it 
> again totally flopped.
> So, I'm back :-) Pitching a CMS for tclug, this time Drupal. Comments?
> Any other CMS we should be looking at?
Since I managed to completely botch my first response by sending it from
the wrong email address:-)

I've been working some with Drupal and CivicSpace, and am currently
working on a web site design for a client in CivicSpace. It takes a
while to grow on you, but it's very flexible and powerful. Though as
someone else mentioned, you do want to tear your hair out for a while.
But I'm quickly growing to like it, particularly for community-building
web sites.

I'm also thinking about trying to start up a Linux group over here in
western Wisconsin and if that gets going I intend to build its web site
in Drupal, so that might give us some synergy --- just a thought.

I'd be glad to help out some if you're interested in doing it in either
Drupal or Joomla!, the two CMS systems I know something about.