I seem to be finding a lot of conflicting views on whether or not to put swap in a RAID1 array or to stripe them using something like this in fstab: /dev/sda2 none swap sw,pri=1 0 0 /dev/sdb2 none swap sw,pri=1 0 0 Any thoughts on this issue? I had assumed that putting swap in the RAID and having one partition (say /dev/md2) as the swap partition was the way to go but some netizens argue that this is a performance problem and that if one drive goes bad it'll still boot ok even though one of the swap partitions is dead. Also - I'm in the process of copying the partitions from my primary drive to a new drive and when I run cfdisk, /dev/sda1 is shown as "Dell Utility" - is this something I should try to mirror? I'm not sure how to do that since it doesn't have a mount point. Right now I have a partition for it on the new disk but it'll be empty and only exist on the first disk. Thanks, Josh