On Sun, 26 Feb 2006, Mike Miller wrote:

> On Sun, 26 Feb 2006, Brian Hurt wrote:
>> On Sun, 26 Feb 2006, Ed Wilts wrote:
>>> On Sun, Feb 26, 2006 at 08:36:39AM -0600, Jordan Peacock wrote:
>>>> Quick question: I have a whole ton of .tar files I need to extract,
>>>> but when I try 'tar -xvf *.tar' it doesn't work.... what am I doing
>>>> wrong?
>>> Try:
>>> find . -name '*.tar' -exec tar xvf {} \;
>> That will extract all tar files in the current directory and all
>> directories under it.  Which may be the behavior desired- but may not be.
>> My for loop only extracts the tar files in the current directory.
> Right.  And you have to be careful with tar files about what they are putting 
> out.  One might have contents that write over those of another one.  Does 
> each one produce a unique directory and put all files in that directory?  The 
> for loop is safer, but you should know before you run it what those tar files 
> contain.

The nice thing about a for loop is that you can do more stuff inside a for 
loop than just a single command.  For example, if you wanted to create a 
directory for each tar file, and untar it into it's own directory, you 
might do:
 	for i in *.tar; do
 		mkdir `basename $i .tar`.dir
 		cd `basename $i .tar`.dir
 		tar xvf ../$i
 		cd ..
