On Wed, May 31, 2006 at 11:56:48PM -0500, David Alanis wrote:
> [...]
> ... ok here is my question :P what
> recommendations can I get regarding the cloning of Window computers without
> the hassle of using a third party crap?

I've used the feather linux live cd (http://featherlinux.berlios.de) for
making and deploying images of windows XP machines. I shrink the filesystem
with ntfsresize and fdisk to get a standard size, then take an image with partimage
and drop it on a samba share over the network. Reverse the sequence to
deploy an image. So far the machines have not been in a domain so I haven't
worried about duplicate SID's, but I think you could use sysprep 
(http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;302577) for that.

You should be able to script most of this, but I haven't gotten around to
it, myself.

You'll still need different images for different hardware configurations.
I'd be happy to hear if someone has a solution for that.
