Isn't there an "oracle" startup and shutdown script 
already installed and linked with a "K##oracle"? 
If so, you could just 'mv' the link to a lower '##'
like '01'. I understand there may not be one.

>>> Jonathan Kline <klinej at> 06/06/06 8:51 AM >>>
Add the script /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/ as Redhat defaults to run level 3.

On Tuesday 06 June 2006 08:42, Lance Jahnke wrote:
> Hello group. I have been googling for about a week and cannot find
> answer to this question. I have Redhat Enterprise Linux 64bit with
> Kernel 2.6.9-34 and need to control the shutdown process. Here is my
> scenario:
> I am using a NetApp filer for storage with my Oracle 10g database
> binaries running on the filer connected via NFS. When my computer
> operator does a shutdown from the console via the GUI interface, I
> the system to run my Oracle shutdown script first before doing
> else and then continue on with normal shutdown. My CIO doesn't want
> operators to run stuff at the command prompt so shelling out to run
> script first isn't an option. I created K01ora_stop scripts in
> RC1.d, RC5.d, RC6.d and this has no effect. NFS still gets dumped
> Oracle which creates obvious issues. Any suggestions would be
> appreciated. Thanks.