> Yes, Bob offered alternatives, most of which I had already said were
> difficult to deal with.

Too difficult to point a web browser at a url?

nntp access

RSS access

http access

If you meant to say something like, the alternatives are not yahoo, then
I'll agree with you. But to difficult?

It has been my experience that this mailing list is very supportive of
people unable to help themselves. Pointing out locations of information,
HOWTOs, FAQs, even mini-mentoring sessions via email and/or irc.

It was also been my experience that this same mailing lists is very
intolerant of individuals unwilling to help themselves.

If yahoo is the only solution that will work for you, run the poll, follow
the due process, and ultimately accept what the community decides. 

AND yes, there will be discussion after the poll, since it's easy to forge
multiple votes.
Bob Tanner <tanner at real-time.com>          | Phone : (952)943-8700
http://www.real-time.com, Minnesota, Linux | Fax   : (952)943-8500
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