On Mon, 20 Mar 2006 tony.little at comcast.net wrote:

> I was investigating how my copy of knoppix works, and as I was reading 
> the file 'knoppix-autoconfig' I found these variables with some weird 
> strings being assigned to them:
> CRE="^M^[[K"
> NORMAL="^[[0;39m"
> # RED: Failure or error message
> RED="^[[1;31m"
> # GREEN: Success message
> GREEN="^[[1;32m"
> # YELLOW: Descriptions
> YELLOW="^[[1;33m"
> # BLUE: System messages
> BLUE="^[[1;34m"
> # MAGENTA: Found devices or drivers
> MAGENTA="^[[1;35m"
> # CYAN: Questions
> CYAN="^[[1;36m"
> # BOLD WHITE: Hint
> WHITE="^[[1;37m"
> Later on in the script they are used like this:
> KERNEL="$(uname -r)"
> echo "${GREEN}Running Linux Kernel ${YELLOW}$KERNEL${GREEN}.${NORMAL}"
> In another script I found something similar:
> echo -e "\033[31m $VENDOR_TEXT \033[0m"
> I believe the \033 is an escape sequence and the 31 means red, but I'm 
> not sure. I'm wondering is 31 the entire symbol or is it [31m that is 
> the symbol?

The \033 is the ascii character with octal code 33, which is the escape 
character.  Check this out:

man ascii

The "backslash number" is a common way of expressing certain special 
characters in shell scripts (tr, perl, and a few others work with those 
octal codes).  Apparently the ESC character followed by [31m tell the 
shell to display in red.

Try these commands:

ls -l --color /lib | less
ls -l --color /lib | less -r

The first one shows the ANSI color codes with the ESC characters and the 
second command interprets those characters to display the color.

> I can tell that these are modifiers for the color of the text but I 
> whould like to know which part does what and where can I find a 
> definition of these?

The thing you are interested in is "ANSI color."  Here's some information 
about how it is used in bash:

