On 9/30/06, Dan Drake <dan at dandrake.org> wrote:
> On Sat, 30 Sep 2006 at 01:08PM -0500, Rob Terhaar wrote:
> > random lockups generally signify some sort of hardware problem. more
> > specifically i'd say, check the temperature on your hardware. Is the
> > fan on the video card running? is the processor fan plugged up with
> > pubes?
> It's onboard video. The motherboard temp right now is 24C (75F), and
> the processor is at 110F, so heat doesn't seem like a problem.
> > Also, are you using closed-source video card drivers? Try to switch to
> > the open-source version of the drivers (which tend to be slower, but
> > more stable)
> I don't have the "restricted" modules installed, so I'm definitely using
> open source drivers.

I guess I'd try running it from a text console for a while, or perhaps
using the lowly vesa display driver.  If it still locks up, you
probably have bigger problems than buggy video card drivers.

You could also try running from a live cd or two to see if you get
similar results on different kernel versions / configurations.  That
way, you'd at least keep from hosing your filesystem when/if it
crashes.   Most live CDs have a "failsafe" option, as well.  If that
works without crashing, you can try enabling things until something
breaks.  That'd be a bit of a time-consuming PITA, but it's all I can
think of at the moment.
