On Wed, 6 Sep 2006 markring40 at ippimail.com wrote:

>> No! The company has simply endured 998,000 violations of their license 
>> agreement, something they can create and enforce based on copyright. 
>> You may think that translates into the loss of $499M, and Mike may not. 
>> While I think the company may be owed $499M by those who violated their 
>> license, it is money they never had and in reality were never likely to 
>> make.
> According to whom?  I don't believe you've ever owned or managed a 
> business.  If someone uses a product you created and they have never 
> paid for it; as the owner of that company you would most definately call 
> that a loss.

I think it's fair to say that you just don't understand our point.  So I 
think we should drop it because either you don't want to understand or you 
are unable to understand.  What we are talking about has nothing to do 
with whether you have create software and it has nothing to do with laws. 
It also has nothing to do with what a company will call a loss.  If you 
would read my earliest post with the 998,000 in it, maybe there is hope 
that you will understand what I was saying, but I doubt it.
