hi folks,

should i give up on implementing our own perfect system, and just outsource instead?
i am grudgingly seriously considering outsourcing because there's no way i can provide 
super high reliability figures with just myself to respond if problems occur.

but i really like that we have filtered spam available for review via imap.  and i'm 
proud to have restored numerous accidentally deleted files and directories for folks 
using Backup-PC's online interface.  seems like these are the sort of things we'd have 
to give up if our data were elsewhere.  or am i wrong?

AOL offers free domain hosting with imap.  their likely availability and reliability 
figures make it an attractive alternative to our org.  and free is hard to beat.

but i would love to hear about other alternatives please.  our website is currently a 
hodgepodge incorporating several versions of drupal.  of course they are separable, but 
still it probably makes sense to host the website and email at the same place.  and yes 
some drupal design work could likely be sold to our org.

we've already got a proposal from eFrame for onsite stuff.  can folks please point me to 
the best open source providers of comparable services?

greg wm
IT Coordinator