On Fri, Sep 15, 2006 at 10:36:08PM -0500, Justin Krejci wrote:
> It's expecting just 1 argument to the command but you are putting two in 
> there. Either run as ./harps roll
> or change
> if [ -z $@ ]
> to
> if [ -z $1 ]
> This then says check for the first argument to not exist.

No, this checks the length of the first argument.  If I specify "" as
the first argument, this says the wrong thing.  How about checking $#?

trammell at el-swifto.com  9EC7 BC6D E688 A184 9F58  FD4C 2C12 CC14 8ABA 36F5
Twin Cities Linux Users Group (TCLUG)      Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota