I'm looking for a regular expression that's guaranteed to never match

I'm working with a Python script that parses LaTeX documents [1], and
I'm using a regexp to find comments (beginning of line, any whitespace,
then a percent sign: "^\s*%"). But in the middle of the verbatim
environment, it shouldn't interpret anything as comments -- so I'd like
to use some sort of regexp that never matches, so I can just switch the
particular regexp object I'm using while parsing such an environment.

Any suggestions? I could randomly generate a bizarre string (like
"\y;$j[3o*6I[/W~fq\+l|~yr~as") which in practical terms will work, but
that's an ugly solution. 

TIA for the help.


  1. http://www.pps.jussieu.fr/~beffara/soft/rubber/
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