On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 12:45:44PM -0600, Adam Monsen wrote:
> On Tue, 2008-12-30 at 11:13 -0600, Jeremy wrote:
> > How can I find all the files which are not in packages in ubuntu?
> Here's an idea:
>   find / > /tmp/allfiles.txt
>   for i in `cat /tmp/allfiles.txt`
>   do
>     if ! dpkg --search $i
>     then echo $i > /tmp/unknown.txt
>     fi
>   done
> You might want "-type f" in that find command.

I don't have a .deb system handy to test, but you I know you can get
all the installed packages (dpkg --get-selections) and you probably
can ask for each package what files it installed.  Iterate on the
packages and dump the files they installed to a list, then compare
that list with the list of all the files in the system.

BTW, you want to exclude '/proc', '/sys' and '/dev' from the 'all
files' list.


Bruce Schneier expects the Spanish Inquisition.
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