On Tue, 5 Feb 2008, Clay Fandre wrote:

> s/doesn't have a password/doesn't have a password that you know/

I can believe that because (A) it makes sense [as Florin suggested -- a 
random string would be optimal] and (B) several people have said it.

One respondent suggested that this command will allow the user to change 
the root password:

$ sudo passwd root

But usually the first step in running the passwd command is to enter the 
existing password, which you don't know (doesn't it work that way for root 
passwords).  This may not be an important issue, but it is still possible 
to change the root password by editing the /etc/shadow file -- you just 
have to know the encrypted form of your password.  This can be obtained as 

perl -le 'print crypt("password", "salt");'

...where 'password' is the unencrypted password and 'salt' is the salt 
string (only the first two characters are used) for the crypt command. The 
first two characters of the output are the salt.  If you have root 
permissions on a UNIX/Linux machine, you can check that this works by 
reading /etc/shadow, entering your password and the first two characters 
of your encrypted password as your salt.  This is your salt:

sudo egrep '^username:' /etc/shadow | gawk -F':' '{print $2}' | cut -c -2

...where 'username' is your user name.  I tried it and it worked 

(It is not a great idea to run the perl command from the command line 
because it will leave your password in your command history, so it would 
be safer to write the perl command into a one-line script, execute it, and 
delete it.)
