> Just concatenate your
> id_dsa.pub/id_rsa.pub/identity.pub file(s) into a file called
> authorized_keys.  Place that in your ~/.ssh directory on each host.
> Then fire up ssh-agent, type ssh-add, and enter your password for your
> private key.  Now, you won't have to type your password in 
> whenever you
> go to a host that has your authorized_keys file.
> It makes life SOOOO much simpler. ;-)
> See also: ssh(1), ssh-keygen(1), ssh-agent(1), ssh-add(1).
> I plan on home-cooking something with cfengine2 to push out 
> key files to
> a /etc/ssh/authorized_keys.d directory and changing this directive in
> sshd_config:
> 	AuthorizedKeysFile	/etc/ssh/authorized_keys.d/%u.keys

Reminds me of ssh-keyinstall
