On Mon, 14 Jan 2008, Brian Wall wrote:

> On Jan 14, 2008 10:43 AM, J Cruit <j at packetgod.com> wrote:
>> I did buy a Zonbu desktop a month or so ago, its small cute and quiet. 
>> But I can only say that I like the hardware as I wiped the system and 
>> am using it as my Myth Frontend box.  Which it seems to be capable 
>> enough of, although sometimes it takes a few seconds to switch menus.
> Before you wiped it, did you happen to see which distro was installed on 
> it?

I was trying to figure out what the Zonbu scheme was about, but their web 
pages weren't very well organized.  It looks like I was getting my best 
information from the news articles linked from the Zonbu "reviews" page:


According to the NY Times article, the distro is Gentoo:


    The Zonbu PC also uses a Gentoo version of the Linux operating system
    and will come with a range of software applications like the Mozilla
    Firefox browser, Skype voice-over-Internet service, OpenOffice software
    suite and many games.

I don't know that it's always Gentoo, but I would guess that makes it 
easier for Zonbu folks to maintain the boxes.
