> A larger part of the issue is the Windows network stack. Microsoft
> created a new stack for Vista and Server 2008, and smb/cifs file
> sharing speed between Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista is much
> improved compared to older versions of Windows. I don't recall the
> technical details, but this is one issue you'll run into with Windows
> file sharing there there is no fix for other that going to
> Vista/Server 2008. I haven't checked Windows Vista and a Linux samba
> server yet. I should do that as I have a Windows Vista box and Windows
> XP box on my desk and a Linux samba server across the room...

Thanks for the info. It turns out that it is only my Vista box that
has this problem. My XP machies work fine.

For some reason I was thinking it was like that for both, the last
time I tried with my XP box was quite a while ago..

Thanks for all the help.