On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 9:23 AM, Florin Iucha <florin at iucha.net> wrote:
> Howdy,
> My relatives are shaming me into using a web-cam for our chats; they even
> say this Internet thingy will catch on, or something.  Anyway, I'm
> looking for a Linux-friendly web-cam.  I've heard good things about
> Logitech, but they have 1001 models.  What's needed, what's useful and
> what can be ignored about webcams?  Are there some models that can be
> unwrapped, connected to the first USB port and just getting them to
> work with any recent Ubuntu/Fedora distro?
> Are there any programs on Linux that interoperate with some web-cam
> enabled chat programs on Windows?  (I know about IRC, but my UTF-8
> rendition is definitely not that flattering).

This is very good list of webcams, which work with skype under linux.
I already tried 2 of them, and they work well in ubuntu hardy and
opensuse 10.3.

The real problem is, that there are Logitech cams with the same model
name/number, but with different chipsets (different USB ID), and I
already got burned with one, because I did not check in the "not
supported" list in the bottom.


Svetoslav Milenov (Sunny)

Even the most advanced equipment in the hands of the ignorant is just
a pile of scrap.