Coming from a Windows background, I have no idea how to troubleshoot Linux. It's a Cent OS 5.1 Server with GUI install on the following hardware: I'm running a P4 3.0 GHz, 1GB RAM, 3 hard drives: IDE 160GB for OS, boot, swap. There are two 1TB SATA drives for MySQL. The hardware seems sound as it passes UltraX diagnostics boot CD (test CPU, RAM, drives, motherboard chips). It's on some kind of whitebox w/ ASROCK board put together by General Nano. I installed the updates Cent OS recommends right away with the built in updater. The OS seems to freeze and becomes unpingable and the box needs a hard reset. my user might be doing something in My SQL when this happens. Any general troubleshooting advice? Are there logs or dumps to analyze? I'm pretty green Linux-wise.