On Thu, 20 Mar 2008 13:39:38 -0500
Florin Iucha <florin at iucha.net> wrote:

> I'm using Visi for more than five years with no problems whatsoever.

Odd - we've been using them for a while, and while I cannot say I've
dealt with them much (more the programmer than the IT guy) we've been
very frustrated a couple times.

About a year ago my coworker and I migrated about a dozen servers
from a half rack to a full rack.  At 3:00 AM it was time to flip the
switch but when we did no Inet into the new rack.  Someone tried to
troubleshoot.  No go.  So we waited until 4:30 AM (!!!) for some guy
to drive across the metro only to discover that a wire he put in the
main cabinet was *pulled* by someone else because it didn't have a
label on it.

About 1/2 year ago they had a power outage, but also the backup UPS
on our rack was bad so we had all our hosting servers offline for
about a half day.  I don't understand the details of this one, all I
know is power outage + bad UPS equaled lots of downtime.

About a month ago we had a hardware issue on a server that crashed
about 4:00 in the morning with an ext3 kernel error on an rmdir of
all things.  We couldn't get someone from Visi to run an fsck
(fsck!!!) on the console without special permissions from some guy
who was in a meeting most of the day and somehow completely
unreachable.  Server completely offline until about 2:00 pm, people in
Colorado pissed at their site/email/app not up.

> I strongly recommend them.  I only wish more businesses were run
> like that and would treat customers like that.

See above, draw your own conclusions.  I guess YMMV is very
appropriate here. :)
