Adam Monsen wrote:
> Let me try again, assuming the original poster didn't want to change the
> partition layout, they could:
> * use dd to clone the whole disk onto a larger disk
> * use parted to grow the partition
> * use resize2fs to grow the filesystem
> ...yes? I've not tried this myself, but it sounds like it should work.
It's a heck of a lot easier to just start out with the partition layout
you want (I'm assuming no LVM), block copy, then grow into those
partitions.  It works like a charm - I've done it a few times.  The
trick is that your partition size doesn't matter to the FS if it's
larger than the FS.  There's also some implications to cloning a whole
disk (including partition table) onto another that would probably
require you to blow the partitions away and recreate them anyway.

If you have:

100M /boot as sda1 (look in fdisk at how many blocks it is)
10G / as sda2

you can create:
100M /boot as sdb1 (make sure blocks is at least as much as above)
50G / as sdb2

dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/dev/sdb1
resize2fs /dev/sdb1
dd if=/dev/sda2 of=/dev/sdb2
resize2fs /dev/sdb2

fix grub, and you're good to go.
