On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 10:18 AM, Jon Schewe <jpschewe at mtu.net> wrote:
> Tom Penney wrote:
>> I'm not sure I have the details right but you have a checkout of the
>> svn repository someplace, then using rsync to push appropriate files
>> from the master checkout into place on each server.
> Close. I have a script that does an svn export to a temp directory, then
> builds the appropriate server trees, then rsyncs the files out to the
> servers.
>> Before you start the the process you have a checkout someplace which
>> contains the last files you pushed to the servers. The files in svn
>> may or may not but different from these. So run a diff between the
>> files in your master checkout and the files on the servers. If
>> different, then the file could be current with what is in svn, or it
>> could have been modified without commit. keep those different files in
>> a list someplace. Now update your master checkout so it is current
>> files you want to push and run the diff again for the files in your
>> list. If still different than its probably a modified without commit
>> file - send your notice.
> Yes, if I always do the checkout from the same machine then this will
> work. At this point using unison will solve the problem. I'm trying to
> come up with a solution where you won't necessarily always push from the
> same system, although it's sounding like that's what I'll need to do.

you could keep a file in svn containing the last pushed version
number. your script could checkout both the last pushed and current
versions. but it all sounds a little messy.

Tom Penney