On Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 02:47:32PM -0600, Mike Miller wrote:
> That article seems to give a pretty good comparison of svn with git from 
> someone who used svn extensively and discovered that he really liked git.

Here's my entirely biased, subjective and generalized perspective of
version control:

CVS: "previous generation" version control.  I started with this, and it
     worked great.  Probably only used for legacy reasons at this point.
     I'd be surprised if it was used much for new projects.
SVN: "current generation".  written as a replacement for CVS, solving some
     of CVS's largest warts.  Currently probably has the highest usage of the
     versioning softwares, and probably will for some time. 
Distributed (Mercurial, Git): "next generation".  The web 2.0 of
     revision control - more dynamic, faster, etc.  

Is SVN a worthy topic of discussion?  Sure, but it'd be a disservice to
not mention distributed version control.  Also, you'll get a different
turnout (more noobs (i use this term affectionately), few veterans),
