find /var/spool/MailScanner/quarantine -mtime +10 -type f -exec rm -rf 
{} \;
>> Remove the "-type f"
> Will the time stamp on a directory always be at least as new as the 
> newest file in the tree within the directory?  Apparently not -- I 
> just checked it.  I think you might mean that he should remove the 
> "-type f" and also change the "-rf" to "-f".  Look at this on your 
> machine:
> ls -ld /home
> ls -ld /home/*
> See what I mean?
> Mike

I ran this script  for the first time last night, and it looks like I 
ran into this very problem. Instead of leaving folder 20 days old, it 
only left folders 8 days old. Is there another way to modify the script 
to only remove folders 21 days or older?