On Tue, 24 Aug 2010, Tom Poe wrote: > We ranked 6th for something, and 40th for broadband (true broadband) > speed. Now, I don't know about you, but that would put us behind a > whole lot of Third World countries, wouldn't it? So, how do they do > that, and have citizens paying a fraction of what we're paying. > Genachowski actually believes we all will have to pay more, before true > broadband will be competitively offered. I'm sick. Did anyone else > come away with a different impression? Tom I was in S. Korea two months ago. They had 18 Mbps broadband in the hotel. I guess the country is wired really well and there's fast/free wifi all over the place. But the thing is, it's a small country with 60% of the nation's population in the Seoul metro area. Also, a lot of Koreans want to leave Korea and come here, so we must be doing something right. I think it's a lot easier to get a high average broadband speed when the country is small. Mike