Hoping to gain some sage insight from the *nix collective here... I am not a programmer, yet, so sometimes I see a project and its *just* outside my programming skillset. My problem: The company I work for has multiple contributors to a PowerPoint file which is then displayed on several informational monitors. Since several people are periodically modifying the same file, it can occasionally get messed up. I know, not the greatest plan, but there are several corrections that this environment needs, and I am a new employee - so I am trying to clean up what I can. My thought was to break up the contributors to their own directories, and use a cron job to merge all the ppt files together. An administrator could kick it off manually. I found an application that works, but its a desktop .HTA application with javascript, and I do not have the skills to convert it to command-line...and it just seems like its *just* beyond my skills to figure it out alone. I am hoping someone from this group might be able to show me the light on making this work from a command-line. We have Linux, Unix and windows - but typically it runs on XP boxes. I would like to get it working on the existing platform, with insight on converting it to *nix in time. I am not a MS fan, but being one of the lowest rungs on the ladder and not exactly a *nix aficionado has me at a disadvantage for linux conversions here. If there is a better solution - I am all ears and relish the wealth of knowledge this group has. The application can be downloaded from: PowerPoint Join http://powerpointjoin.googlecode.com/files/pptjoin-0.2.zip Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!