Jason Hsu, Linux User wrote:
> [...]
> So what other Linux distros have a good repository like Ubuntu and
> are at least as user-friendly but are lighter-weight?  What
> lightweight distros are compatible with the Ubuntu and/or Debian
> repository?  Are Slackware and Gentoo distros I should consider?  If
> they have strong repositories but are user-unfriendly, are there
> derivative distros that are compatible with their repositories?

Have you tried the Xubuntu version of Ubuntu? Xubuntu is basically
Ubuntu with the Xfce desktop -- a lightweight, but still pretty
intuitive and user-friendly system in my opinion. That way you've got
the full Ubuntu repository, but without the heavyweight desktop from

Or install regular Ubuntu, but just use a different desktop/window
manager like fluxbox or something. But that would involve more of a
learning curve.