On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 04:14:17PM -0600, Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom wrote:
> On 03/10 04:02 , Mike Miller wrote:
> > The other messages had only the list address in the Reply-To field, but 
> > this message (that I am now replying to) had both the sender address and 
> > the list address in the Reply-To field.  I guess if the sender sets 
> > Reply-To himself, then the list appends to that.
> Thanks for noticing that Mike.
> So if you want to have replies go directly to you; put your address in the
> Reply-To: header. Mutt will respond to both; not sure of the behavior of
> other MUAs.

Carl, did you deliberately set it up that way or is that the default
behavior of the list management software?

Either way, that doesn't seem right to me.  Normally, lists which set
Reply-To will only add it if it is not present and leave it alone if the
user has already inserted their own Reply-To header.

Aside from being (in my experience) unusual, appending to an existing
Reply-To strikes me as wrong in that it leaves users with no way to
specify that replies should go solely to them, which disables use cases
such as the classic "please send all possible solutions privately and
I'll post a summary to the list" or the much more common "I'm conducting
a poll on X; vote by emailing me directly and I'll post the results in
one week".

Dave Sherohman