On Tue, 25 Oct 2011, Andrew S. Zbikowski wrote:

>> I was using Solaris for more than a decade until a couple of years ago. 
>> In Solaris, though it gave no warning and accepted any password, only 
>> the first 8 characters of the password were used.  So if a user entered 
>> the password "correct horse battery staple", the password would be 
>> "correct ", with the space.  This created a blatantly obvioius security 
>> problem that Sun didn't seem to mind at all.
> Related: Passwords for Wells Fargo's Online Banking aren't case 
> sensitive. UGH!

My first thought is that they are crazy, but then I think maybe they found 
out that with case sensitivity they get so many calls to the help line and 
so many password resets that it's just safer to turn off case sensitivity. 
People either leave on caps lock or they remember a word and forget what 
they used for case.
