You are betting the farm on a single point of failure.  I would recommend at least getting one more box that you backup/replicate to in case the mothership goes down.  My 2 cents on the situation.

Mr. B-o-B

----- Reply message -----
From: "Brian Wood" <woodbrian77 at>
To: "tclug-list" <tclug-list at>
Subject: [tclug-list] free: sunfire v20z
Date: Sun, Jun 9, 2013 14:11
So I don't have much money to spend on hardware, but
have been avoiding the idea of cobbling together a
number of machines to form a server farm.  Currently my
server is an 8 GB, quad core HP desktop.  Sadly that's 

more than enough at this time.  (I know that the situation 
on the ground can change rapidly, and am hopeful for 
such a change.)  Generally, my strategy is to use efficient 
tools ... I ported a utility program recently from Python to 

C++ ... I've spent a lot of time making the distribution parts 
of the software efficient ... and I'm 

working on moving from using ssh to IPsec because I believe 
it will scale better and be more efficient.  So most of what I've 
done has been designed toward making it possible to support 
a lot of users with relatively cheap hardware.  (Being an 

entreprenuer isn't as glamorous as they make it look on TV.) 
Just having one server is much nicer than having a bunch of 
them, especially for someone like me who isn't a sys admin guru.  
What do you think about the one server strategy?  Does the 

"beggars can't be choosers" maxim mean I should be building 
a farm and biting the administrations bullets?  Tia.

Ebenezer Enterprises - All the world is just a narrow bridge;

the most important thing is not to be afraid.  Rebbe Nachman
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