Re: cloud - you can't use it if you can't connect.  I'd bring a USB stick 
(more more than one, if needed) and always back up new files to it. Then 
keep the stick in your pocket, or somewhere safe, and not with the laptop! 

I like to connect to my home linux box sometimes, or to the one in my 
office.  Those machines can be my "cloud," too (but like Larry Ellison 
said, "cloud" is a funny word for a collection of big steel boxes).

If you have a box that you ssh to, be sure that you will be allowed to do 
so from Italy.  I use /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny to control 
access permission, and it is usually blocking almost anything outside the 
USA, so I have to change the settings when I'm leaving the country for a 
little while.
