outside of the cisco mobile-ip support - i know of the monarch
project[1] (out of cmu) and the mosquitonet project[2]. charles
perkins (nokia research fellow)  has been doing this for some time and
i believe his page [3] has a lot of information on it.  it's quite
workable it's just a pita to set up. ;-)

when last we saw our hero (Tuesday, Jul 23, 2002), 
 Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom was madly tapping out:
> > it might bear reviewing if folks would like the functionality.
> > although it must be pointed out that this would further burden the
> > network since the tunneling mechanisms used would be shuffling
> > packets around suboptimally. in a situation where b/w is at a
> > premium this might not be an acceptable solution. 
> do you have any good links to discussions of it? I'm somewhat
> curious about it.


[1] - http://www.monarch.cs.cmu.edu/
[2] - http://mosquitonet.stanford.edu/software/mip.html
[3] - http://www.iprg.nokia.com/~charliep/

steve ulrich                       sulrich at botwerks.org
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