On Mon, Jul 22, 2002 at 01:49:56PM -0500, Austad, Jay wrote:
> Remember, you're not just paying for connectivity when you buy a T1
> or other "business class" line, you're also paying for reliability
> and support if you have problems with it, and you get an SLA so you
> can get money out of them if there are problems.  If your cable
> modem or DSL goes down, it'll get fixed whenever they get around to
> it.

Oh that is so true...

> The other option here is not to buy a T1, but to colo your network
> equipment at a local ISP, and get an access-point on their roof, or
> at least a wireless uplink to a main access point in a higher
> location.  That way, you avoid paying loop fees, and you're limited
> by the bandwidth of the ISP, not your line.  Of course, you'll pay
> for that bandwidth, so you need to make sure your pricing scheme can
> cover it, or need to make sure that users are sufficiently limited
> (set them up as burstable or something).

Yep, that is another option, possibly cheaper to start with, and maybe
even the long run.

Mike Horwath           IRC: Drechsau         drechsau at Geeks.ORG
Home: 763-540-6815  1901 Sumter Ave N, Golden Valley, MN  55427
Opinions stated in this message, or any message posted by myself
through my Geeks.ORG address, are mine and mine alone, period.